Teaching and Training
When I sat down at my desk and start typing,
I feel as if I am entering a level that lifts my soul up in a higher place. One of which I feel like the spirit of the Lord
is right here giving me the words to write.
I know so many are searching for the place
that pleases the Lord and desire to be pleasing to the Lord.
It is going to take teaching and training
in order to learn the will of the Lord.
So how does one actually enter into such
a place? How I got started writing was just a thought that I would like to type and see just how much I could learn about
writing. I had always felt that I wanted to write but did not feel as though I had the knowledge to do so.
As I worked at it on a daily bases, I found
that it was not as hard as I thought. And the more I wrote the more the spirit of the Lord was coming through and giving me
new ideas and thoughts.
I decided to create a website and I worked
on writing for the site for years, since 2001. It was waking my spirit up to something I wanted to be doing and felt the Lord
had me in training. And so it went on for years and never really got any kind of idea just who may have been reading, not
until later I was to find that there were people coming to the site from all over the World and this blew my mind, what I
had posted but never the less I just kept on writing and posting.
Over the years I looked forward to posting
another message and would feel the presence of the Lord as I started writing. It wasn’t as exciting as preaching but
I knew the anointing was on me to do this work.
What I did not know was the writing experience was not so about the site and who came in to read but it was the Lord giving
me a better understanding and He was establishing me and getting through to me understanding His works as well as learning
just how the Lord works in getting us ready for Him.
Writing surely was a starting place for
me and it taught me I did not have to be running up and down the roads trying to find a place that Lord could use me at.
What I realized was God was teaching me
how to hear His voice more clearly and to know the difference between my voice and His. You may think you know His voice and
can interrupt it but fact is there is a training the Lord takes each of us through in order to have a clearer understanding.
I feel that the writing has been a great
help to me and learning more and more about the Lord. It has been a blessing to me when I was home bound as the Lord shifted
my assignment to do other work as I was at home most of the times but He made a away for me to be able to do a work for Him
as well as go through teaching. I do so praise Him for all the many hours of writing as well as learning.
Now I feel that the Lord is going to change
my outreach and I am not sure just what all He is going to use me in but I do know this God is able to lead us through and
He is more than able to teach us and get us to a place we are confident He is leading us.
God has been getting His people to a place
that they are settled in Him and He has been teaching us to know His will and to hear His voice, so now we are ready to get
to working for the Lord and know He has established our comings and goings.
He is getting ready to do as He said ,”
finishing a work that He started” Now that really creates in the spirit an excitement, as just to what all He has in
store for His people and the great works that are ahead .He will lead and guide each of us into.
Over the course of time I must have asked
hundreds of questions as what about this or that but each and every time the Lord would come through for me and times He would
send me helpers as well but most of the time the Lord taught me one on one.
So how does that fit into doing a work
for the Lord? It confirms that He is always right there and He is the one that has all answers to what ever we may have need
to know.
God will not lead us out into something
greater, not until we have been obedient to what He has assigned each of us to do right where we are. He will train each of
us and He has a greater work to do and plans.
It is imperative to settle down and to
allow the spirit to teach each of us to be able to do His work with His wisdom , running off half ready will only delay His
work that He started and by going out unprepared, to have the understanding as to how to handle the challenges that shall
be faced. If one goes out unprepared this will simply mean a set back and a time of discouragement.
I have found so many that want to make
a big splash and refuses to wait upon their calling by being taught the ways of the Lord.
We never get to where we do not need God’s
guidance and His teachings; He will always have more encounters for us and things that will occur that the mind of Christ
is defiantly needed.
If you feel you have been on the back burner
and have been put on hold think of it like this, God has you in training and the sooner you accept that fact the faster the
completion of your training will be done and you may as well enjoy this time for I feel the time is coming all this teaching
will be of a great asset to the people of God.
Those that have been under tutoring by
the spirit of the Lord know this He is getting you ready to do His work and it is a needed work for the body of Christ. No
guessing, or hit and missing, just being lead by the spirit of the Lord and see His manifestation of His spirit working. Praise
the Lord!
God bless you
Sonja Arnold