What is it going to take to have a wide spread revival? The bible tells us just how to achieve a move of God. It starts with
faith but faith is not all that we are going to need to have a great move of God. It is going to take humbling ourselves praying
and seeking Gods will .In reading where there was a great move of God in the Bible we find that the people were one heart
and were in submission to the will of God If our heart is not right in the eyes of God this will be a hindering of him moving
in our mist. We can blame it on the devil all we want to when in fact it may very well be the attitude of people that will
hinder the spirit of the Lord. God will not bless in a meeting just because you feel he should. One has to desire him to worship
him and our hearts must be right. Holding onto resentment towards your brother or your sister can and will hinder the move
of God. Not willing to surrender over your life to him and holding onto the works of the flesh. Becoming in total agreement
with the spirit and recognizing that we need him more than anything in this world. We are going to have to open our hearts
up to the Lord and lay aside every weight that would beset us. As we pray for the Lord to send people in the church make them
feel welcome. The church should already be on fire for God and the revival should be for those that need Him. There should
be a call for repentance for the sinners. Yet it seems that many feel that a revival is for the church only when in fact it
is a call for those to come to the Lord.