So you feel like you need a refreshing and need to be filled
with a desire to do more for the Lord. How does one achieve this?
The Bible tells us to stir up the gift of God. 2 Timothy 1:6.
The key words are stir up. If something is dormant it is there but not being used.
The fact is it depends on what your mind dwells upon and where
you find yourself, the people that you keeping company with.
What you say and do has a great deal to do with what you become.
I am sure that you may have been around people that are doing
a work for the Lord and it has encouraged you to want to be doing something for the Lord as well.
The music you listen to do has a great effect upon the things
you think as well as the things you desire to do.
If you will keep yourself in the environment that is related
to spiritual things you will be more likely to desire to become closer to God.
Why it is that many do not find their self doing more for the
Lord and feeling spiritual?
The places you go and the things that you entertain is why this
is where you must take control of what you do and what you have your mind on.
It is a stirring of the soul to be around those that love the
Lord and want to do his will.
Have you ever noticed after being in a great service where the
spirit of the Lord is moving greatly that you feel as if you could come up higher and feel lifted up above the things of this
This is a stirring up the gift of God. To be able to fellowship
with those that desire to walk in a much higher level with God creates within you a desire to do the same.
Prayer and seeking what He wants you to do will get you started
in the right direction.
Listening to tapes that minister to your soul and listen to
worship music also reading the Bible.
Put a stop to things that are not up lifting to the spirit.
Get involve with some type of work for the Lord that will help
others and stop thinking so much about you.
Get up out of that place that does not feed your soul.
Sonja 1/14/05