This is a word of encouragement for those that have had many battles. Times you may have felt you could not go any longer.
You have watched others and it seems as if they have not gone through anything like you are going through. The question has
been going on in your mind why you? Maybe you have been praying and no answer has come to you. Well I have a word for those
that fit this category. Good things are ahead for those that have had great trails. God has been preparing his people to be
able to go through the fire, the flood as well as have the ability to not give up. The greater the battle the greater the
victory. So get ready for the blessing of the Lord to come to your house. All that you need to do now is just praise the Lord
and look up. Expect to see wonderful things from the Lord. There is going to be a great out pouring of his spirit in this
day that you and I are living in. He has told us in the Bible that He will pour out of this spirit in the last days on all
flesh. Are you ready?
Sonja 8/24/04