When are we going to get over the fact that Jesus Christ is no longer a baby and is no longer in a humble setting?
He came in a humble fashion but is no longer, He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. His Kingdom has all the beauty there
is to behold.
Upon reading of the temple in the Old Testament and the beauty that God desired to have His temple designed and upon reading
about heaven makes me to know that God is not poor and he does not take glory in poverty.
When are the children of God going to rise up in the place that the Lord desires His children to be in?
The fact is what God is looking for out of His children is humility of the heart to be humble before Him.
He came that we might have life and it more abundantly, so what is that really saying to us as believers for today?
Are we to go around in sack cloth and ashes in order to prove that we are humble? Are we to be so dull to prove that we
are humble?
The beauty of the Lord is to shine through us. How in this World are we to be a city set on a hill and shine out to the
World the glory of the Lord if we are hiding out in caves and a low state? St. Matthew 5: 14 -16 read it.
So many are teaching that we must live poorly in order to prove we have God in our lives. There is no way that God ever
intended for His children to suffer and to live in poverty in order for the World to see Christ in us the hope of glory. Just
how lame of a teaching is that?
You see dear ones, God is not poor and He is not on the verge of bankruptcy. God is not just barely getting by, yet so
many of His children are living as if He is. How so, you may ask?
Somehow some deem it godly to live in a low state, believing this to be a witness to the World how close to God they are.
It appears that some believe that the poorer one is the more the World will see God in their lives.
How can one believe that in order to be a witness to the World, "city set on a hill" a lighthouse if you please,
by living in such low environment how could one possibly shine out to the lost? Do you not truly see a problem with this?
Change your way of thinking, start out with if you have anything to offer up to the Lord then by all means offer it up,
all in the name of the Lord, giving honor and glory to God. If you have a bell to ring then ring it, if you have a light to
shine by all means turn it on. If you have gifts to bring before the Lord then bring them. If you have a song to sing then
sing it.
Holding onto the gifts that you have will only stunt your growth in God, St.
Luke 6: 38 "give and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over shall
men give unto your bosom".
Stop living in a low state by hording your gifts to yourself. Live like you are wealthy for after all if you are a Kings
child then why are you living like you are serving a poor master?
Let your light to shine and let the glory of the Lord to shine through you.
Sonja © 2007