Many are caught up in a deception by getting way to evolve with what others are
doing and saying.
Getting yourself and your mind evolved with such things as the money scam and the life
styles of some.
When it gets to the point that your joy is leaving you and your mind is off of the Lord
then it is time to take control of your thoughts. This only takes you away from God.
Leave such things that others are doing to God. When you find yourself watching and listening
to or about others you have been deceived.
Always remember this, we are to serve the Lord and He alone is the only one we are to
have our minds on. Many are following man; this I know and many are pursuing the prophets for a word that may tickle their
ears this I know also.
I am writing this is for you that are watching what others are doing more than you are
serving the Lord.
Many are lost and the believers need to get back on tract and keep their eyes on the
Lord by seeking his will as to how to reach the lost.
Justifying ones way of watching and judging others will only cause you to be distracted
from God it is a step toward falling away and losing your victory.
Yes you may find others that have a bad experience with some believers and you can talk about
them all day but can't you see what is happening to you?
What is taking place is you are getting worst than those you are judging. Leave what others
are and may be doing in the hands of God.
If you would focus on the work of the Lord and doing His work you would not find yourself
caught down under the load of the world.
We do know that watching people and what they are doing is a trick to deceive many believers
in order to take them away from their first love.
So if someone comes to you and they want to talk badly about someone stop it right then
and there.
This can only lead you to trouble and for sure will not take you closer to the Lord.
My friends hold onto your joy and keep your eyes on Jesus.
Do not be deceived by observing others. If your motives are right and you stay on the
right pathway this will be more than enough to keep you busy.
Sonja 8/26/2005