What is required and expected of us when
we have been put on an assignment?
Most of us would not
think a lot of this due to the fact we do not realize just how important it is to complete an assignment. Many are far too
busy thinking on what is coming up next and thinking on something bigger and maybe better in the future.
This way of thinking
will only show God that the assignment He has place you on is not very important to you and thinking He really is just having
you abide your time until the next step that is ahead.
I have decided
to write on this subject due to what was spoken to me in regards to my asking God how much longer do I have to wait until
there is a change.( I got an answer right after I ask this question) The answer that the Lord spoke to me when I ask Him,
how much longer. His reply was plain and to the point, “you have not finished the assignment I have given you.”
As you all know there
are times we ask God questions and have to wait upon an answer but there are times when the Lord will answer us right away.
Many times we want to focus on an answer that will suit our desires.
The most important
thing to know is, if God put one on and assignment it is important to God as well as vital for us to complete. There is no
work of the Lord that is small.
This also makes me
think of the time I remember telling the Lord of something I had to do, I had told the Lord (due to opposition, I had felt
condemned before I even took a step) I could not do this and His reply was,”It is not about you, this is about me”.
How I praise Him for this understanding.
Now that is the answer
to each assignment that the Lord has given us each and everything is about what the Lord wants and is doing.
Perhaps the Lord is
proving a point and He will prove His power and His spirit that He has given us. The test of our faith will be right in the
midst of the work the Lord has given.
The Lord is going to
be first in all that we do and if we place anything before Him then we are going to go through something that is going to
teach us.
I was thinking on the
scripture where it tells us about being faithful over a few things and He will make us ruler over many. If we accept each
assignment that is given as the very most important thing we have to do, things would actually work out much smoother and
the work will get done faster.
I was just singing
and was singing the song I used to sing so very much, “King Jesus will roll my burdens away” while doing so, a
very clear thought came through. I thought of how He brought me through a very hard time and that was the song I used to sing.
But here is something that came to me, perhaps an assignment is not so much about who or what that assignment is or even about.
What thought came to me was perhaps it had to do with seeing if being faithful. Maybe it has to do with obedience to God.
Pretty neat, huh?
I know there is work
to be done in me for sure and I do not want to find myself complaining or whining about what I have to do or what is expected
of me. All I know is that I need the Lord and to focus on Him.
God bless, Sonja