We know
the story in the book of Genesis the second chapter, where God had made man and the next step taken in the seven verse. It
tells us that God breath into Adam into his nostrils the breath of life.
The very
life for Adam came from God the Creator, actually it sounds like Adam was nothing more than a void being until the Lord God
gave him life that came from His breath.
as we read more on into the book we find where the Woman that God had created
to be Adams wife listened to the serpent and eat of the forbidden fruit causing a curse to come upon both Adam after he did
eat of this forbidden fruit as well the curse was now upon them.
in here with me because I am going somewhere with this word I am saying all this to get to the point that I feel the Lord
is having me take you in this word.
After the curse we all know
the story as to what happen and what the Lord God had created His son the greatest gift to us for the redemption of sin.
Christ came into this World and was crucified and rose again, is now sitting at the right hand of power of God the Father
in heaven.
But before
He left He gave the disciples a word to go to Jerusalem and wait until they were endued with power from on high.
they gathered together in the upper room there, they waited upon the Lord they were not sure as to what to expect but they
knew that Jesus Christ had given them a promise so there they waited as they were told to do.
As they
tarried there on the Lord, the word says there was a sound coming from heaven as a rushing mighty wind and it filled the house.
This was the second wind for all of mankind where God breathed the breath of life back into mankind.
time it was more than just air to breath into the natural body for this time it had the true gift of life within.
was the infilling of the spirit of God where God is dwelling in man. As the word says after that the Holy Ghost has come upon
you will receive power.
what kind of power was this talking about? This was the power that would give mankind the strength to not fall again as he
did in the garden.
The finally
touch that God had for His plan of salvation for all mankind.
The baptism
is more than just speaking in other tongues; it is more than a feel that causes goose bumps on your skin. This is a power
given that gives authority, a boldness to cast out devils, heal the sick, raise the dead and to overcome of the things of
this World.
A power that Jesus Christ had fused for you today did not come just for
the few in that upper room. That baptism is here for you today for any that desires to receive this wonderful gift have been
made possible.
wonderful gift is for any that will seek and desire to receive from the Lord. So what are you waiting for? Ask Him to fill
your soul; He is here waiting on you.
He has
the baptism for you, a power that is needed in order for you to overcome the temptation of this world.
God the creator our Father have breathed the breath of life back into
all of mankind ever since the day they were gathered in the upper room and there came a sound from heaven as a mighty rushing
wind, (the breath of God came back into mankind).
The baptism is for you to
receive, let Him breathe the breath of life into your being.