It is so important to know the will of the Lord for your life.
So many think it is alright to be doing just anything going anywhere.
This is so false.
You as a believer need to know where you are suppose to be, know what God's call is on your life.
Know that not all will agree with this for so many still want to do their own thing and walk in their own will.
This is something that has caused many to forfeit the many promises that God has for their life. You may be in a place
right that feels like a prison, thinking there is no way out.
I have been thinking about the story of Joseph, how the blessings of God was on his life yet here we read that things
really did not seem to be going his way.
Although he had spiritual dreams and it was apparent that the spirit of God was on his life yet he had many things he
had to go though.
Before he came to his place in God that was ordained for his life here are some of the things he had to go through.
His brothers were jealous of the favor of God on his life, as well as being jealous of the beautiful coat his father had made
for him.
So jealous, that to the point they conspired to do away with him. This we are talking about his own brothers that took
him and threw him down into a hole and were thinking of leaving him there to die.
One has to look at this is a broader scale; fact is all of Joseph brothers were against him and tried to destroy him.
So if you may be thinking that all are going to be pleased with the fact you have favor on your life from God you need to
read the rest of this message.For the very one that would determine if they lived or died they tried to destroy.
They took his beautiful coat away from him and put blood on it, as if to say he was dead and took it to Joseph's father.
Have you ever had someone tell you that your work is dead, that your day is over?
How sad is that? My heart hurts with just the thought of this for I have seen this very spirit of jealously in people
Maybe you have had this happen to you, people have done whatever they could to try and take away the favor of God in
your life. In a sense they have tried to take away the beautiful coat that the Lord has placed on your life. The coat could
represent, favor, anointing, or a position you may have.
People that profess they are believers in God do bad things to try and get to a higher place and doing so all in the
name of God. Matters not the people they have to step on, or push aside. Lying in order to get them where they envy to be.
Joseph's brothers then decided to sell God's beloved their own brother as a slave; sold him for money can you believe
His brothers put their father though much sorrow and grief with this lie, yet never confessed what they had done to
Joseph. Sit back and let their father go though years of sorrow caring not. To say nothing of the life Joseph had to go through
while being transferred to his place in God.
Joseph was put in prison and the story goes on to tell how he found favor even while his was in prison.
See the fact is if God has placed his favor on your life it does not matter what the evil hearted people do, the favor
will always be there. God will prove whom he has blessed the truth will come forth in the end.
So if bad things have been or are being done to you, such as putting you down or even taken over something that was
yours, here is something for you to think on. God's will win and if his favor is on your life he will bring you up out of
the pit, out of bondages that man has placed you in. You will find favor no matter where you go.
God will have his way there is no way anyone or anything can do away with the blessings on your life, the favor of God
will always show that it is there.
It matters not how things may look like right now. Matters not if there are those that think they have done away with
you the fact is the truth is going to be revealed in the end.
Joseph never lost his faith in the call of God on his life he did what ever his hands could find to do while he was
in waiting on God to work out his life.
Joseph had faith in God no matter how bad things appeared to be at the time he had faith in knowing God and the call
of God on his life.
So now that you have read this story, how about you? Do you believe in the favor that God has placed on your life? Do
you believe that no matter what it looks like that God can and will turn it around for you?
Finding your place or your position in your life does not always just fall into place there may be things that you have
to go through in order for you to get to that point that God has ordained for you.
Never doubt what the will of the Lord is for your life no matter if your family; your friends or co-workers come against
you or conspire to do away with you.
You will come forth, you will make the mark, and you will be all that God has called you to be. All that you have to
do is have faith and find what to do for the Lord while you are in waiting.
Yes, the enemy may have even gone so far as to set up an office in your camp; he may be coming against you in full force,
with lies, deception and try to destroy the works God has called you to do. Oh, but just wait a minute this too shall pass.
The enemies office is going to be closed down, just you wait and see.
But never fear what God has ordained he will complete, whom God has placed His favor on they shall shine forth with
the greatness of God.
So the real deal shall prevail and God will cause those that tried to destroy His anointed to come asking for help,
for food as they did in the story of Joseph they had to come asking the very one they tried to destroy, the very man they
tried to kill was the very one that had provisions for them in the end.
Talk about a story this should set your soul on fire, this story should. Knowing that no matter what, the Lord is telling
us here this very day His will shall be, matters not what things appear to be, God will set you free. You need to know your
place in God and have faith.
Though Joseph had his beautiful coat taken from him, The fact is they could not take the beauty inside him though he
was thrown in a pit the pit could not hold him, though he was sold as a slave he was not a slave to man, thrown in prison
yet his spirit was free, the fact still remains God&'s favor was upon Joseph's life.
How about you did you have to lose some of your outer beauty? Did everything appear to go wrong in your life, have you
become a prisoner to something?
Look up out of that pit for if God's favor is on your life that pit cannot hold you for you are coming up out of there.
This story does tell how one person with a call of God on their life does affect all. It is very important to be in
the place God wills for each of us.
You may read the story in the Bible in Genesis starting in chapter 37 and reading on in the chapters telling you this
wonderful story.
Praise the Lord for this message, He has given you and I today.
Sonja 6/27/07