It seems that many are seeking to follow
man or a group more than God desiring to become a part of a group more than being a part of God.
This is causing hindrances in the body
of Christ; the word tells us that if I (Christ) be lifted up I will draw all men unto me.
Why it is people do not believe or feel
the need to search the scriptures for them selves thinking they need to have some man or group to interrupt? One must know
the will of God for their own life, why in the world would one trust anyone with something so precious as their soul, when
it comes to knowing the will of God for their life?
What has happen to those that just desire
to follow Christ? What has caused so many people to follow a man more than the spirit of the Lord?
Why do people feel they have to find some
kind of acceptance from man more than acceptance from God?
Answer is, being man pleasers more following
man thereby being deceived; wanting to be noticed by man, many are falling into this trap.
I have a passage of scripture that I would
like to bring to your attention. It is in the 2 book of Thessalonians the 2nd. Chapter, this tells us, for this
cause God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie: That they might be damned who believed not the truth,
but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
So this telling us many are not seeking
the truth of God and by doing so God Himself shall cause them to believe a lie.
What kind of a sad shape could one fall
into by not wanting the true word of God? Looks like a place of damnation to me.
This is cause by man thinking he can find
his own little way or that his way is far better than the way of God.
What is working in mankind that causes
them to think they know more than God? The truth is they are seeking approval of man more than they are seeking approval of
I have found that much desire to seek a
man for information and his input more than seeking God for their self.
The reason is not being sold out to the
will of God and is still seeking praises for their self or to praise a man.
You cannot follow man, you cannot follow
a denomination more than you follow God this is not acceptable to God you must know the will of God for yourself not the will
of man. God is a jealous God and He will have no other god before Him. This is a spirit of rebellion and is causing many to
wonder far from God.
If a man or a group does not center all they do to lift up Jesus Christ or God the Father, best watch out for your
soul when fellowshipping such.
Being deceived is something that mankind
has brought upon himself. Each of us have a book of rules (the Bible) if you please to go by, each of us are going to be held
accountable for what we do or do not do. We will be judge for the works that we do, if the works that one does is not to lift
up God or to edify the children of God then it must not of God.
Many spend time speaking or thinking of
everything but the Lord Jesus Christ, such as doctrines or denominations this is not the true message of God.
The truth message is all about Jesus Christ
has come into this world that the world might be saved.
If people truly want to see a move of God,
want to hear God, want to see healings, and miracles manifest from God. Then the way to achieving this is too make God the
center of all your conversations, their life, and lift Him up.
Get over yourself, get over looking to
man, and get over following everything but God. Seek Him, after all He is God our Father.
Sonja 1/2/2007