If you are trying to make someone or something over and God is not in it you are wasting your time as well as Gods time doing
so. Too many people are wasting their time on things that are not of God. The time they spend on trying to make something
work could be used on something worth while. Far to many people are trying to make someone over to their suiting and this
is not what God intended for them to do. Many are as if they were standing at the Red Sea and trying to part the waters.
When god did not even send you to that place. I have seen far too many people try to part the Red Sea and will not give it
up. The Red Sea is something you want to part and God did not even call you to do so. What is it about people that they feel
they know more than anyone else does and more than God does? This is a problem with many and they find they have spent most
of their life working and trying to mold things to fit what they want. It is what it is and you just as well stop trying to
make it the way you want it to be. The carnal works of the flesh works against God and the carnal man wants it their way and
not Gods way. Most of the times many feel they have no other options and have to just settle for whatever is at hand. Faith
is something many are in real need of. To know that God has a better way and hold onto His will for their life. Many ask the
question how do I know something is the will of God for my life or not. Take a look at what it is you are trying to do. Ask
yourself is this something that God wants in my life. If this is so then things should work out without all your interference
and you trying to work it out. If it is then it will come to pass and if it is not then let it go. Running up against a wall
is a sign that it is either not Gods will for your life or it is not time for such to work out. Spend more time on prayer
and seeking Him as far as what He may want you to do. Not all about what you want out of it all. Get your mind off of yourself
and get it on God. I know how many may think, I want things for me and I want my life to work out. Here again I must say stop
thinking so much about yourself get your mind on doing things for God. He will work out ones life that seek His will and let
everything else alone. Just settling for anything and everything will only stop the blessings of God. Do not just settle for
whatever comes along. God has a greater plan for your life. His way will work for you and yes, He does want to bless his children.
He is not about taking everything away from His children but He wants to bless his children so why not let Him do the work
and the parting of the waters for your life, if needed to be? Your prayer should be not my will, but your will Lord.
Sonja 3/25/2005