Caught up
I do believe the key to achieving the goals and His divine will for the people of God, the Lord has for us consist of
one thing, (Caught up in praise and worship to the Lord.)
We as humans have something in common each and every one of us that is allowing troubles and problems take us where God
never intended for us to go.
In the beginning God placed man in a beautiful garden and in the cool of the day; He came to fellowship with man.
I listen to people and what comes out of their mouth is all about the troubles they are facing and all the world conditions.
What has happen is the people have gotten off track and are following the way the world does.
The question must be ask, what you are thinking and what are you speaking out into the environment.
If you were in the garden when the Lord came to visit, I wonder just what you might be saying to Him. Would it start off
by telling Him all about the troubles of the world? Would you just be still and listen to Him? This puts us in a place that
we probably would shut our mouth and just be still and listen to what the creator had to say.
So what is God speaking to you today? What does He have to say to all of us?
As you and I enter into the very presence of the Lord our God, do you actually think we should start of by spewing out
problems and start doing all of the talking?
I do believe we just might be in awe of the very presence of the great I am and here is what I feel the Lord so desires
for each of us to do. Here we are talking about being in the company of the Lord our God, I feel the only thing that we might
be able to do is bow down and to worship Him.
What the Lord has been showing me is the people of God need to get back on track and stop following any and everything
that brings about trouble. People need to realize that by getting caught up with the world and all of its problems only draws
them away from being in God's presence.
We need to get caught up in the spirit, where God is and let the spirit of the Lord fill us with His wonder working power.
This is the only answer to all things, is to get caught up in Him, with Him. To be caught up is to be carried away from or
taken into.
God does not move or work if the people do not open up to Him, He will not work if we do not let Him, So as the people
are so involved with all the chaos and trails of this world and life how do we actually think God will enter in our midst?
Is it not clear to the people, God enters in our presence when our hearts and minds are on Him. Why would He enter in
the midst of confusion for He is not the author of confusion?
When God shows up is when the people of God worship Him and praise Him. This is our answer, to get caught up in worship
and praise. By the people of God praising God anyhow and anyway, He sees we have turned to Him and seek Him only.
I think of the woman that was down to her last meal in the bible, she was aware of the condition around her, she had
made it clear what she was thinking. But when the prophet of God gave her a word, she took it and run with it.
Elijah told her to make him a little cake FIRST, and so she did and we know the rest of the story, her meal barrel did
not run out. The key to her answer was to put Gods word first and to follow the instructions that the man of God told her.
Think of it like this, if you were stranded in a desert a very dry desert, what do you think you would need the most?
Common sense would be a must. You are going to need to find shade from the suns heat, water, as well as food and then a covering
for the cool evenings. So what would cause one to do nothing but just talk about the dryness and how bad things were? It would
get nothing done at all and this is how I see many people doing today, they are so caught up with the conditions around them,
they are not even searching for help or an answer, just carried away with conditions.
What the people of God need today is a rain from the Lord, to cool down from all the heated subjects that are floating
about. The rain (spirit) of the Lord will cause the desert to bloom and give fresh water.
I share these things that come to my mind in order to help the people to know and try to understand why many have gotten
caught up with the world and all of the troubles about, it cannot help nor will it get them out of the wildness they found
their self in.
God bless
Sonja Arnold