How does one grow in the Lord? I am sure
many have wondered why some seem to grow and some seem to be at a stand still. How does one have growth in God? Where does
the growth come from? There is a passage in the Bible that tells us some plant, some water and God gives the increase. What
does this really mean? Seeds are planted and where does the water come from? The very first thing one must learn about growing
in God is to have a teachable spirit. The word of God is our water and our food. If one does not have a teachable spirit they
will not grow as they should. This comes from not accepting the teaching from the word of God. Where many will be willing
to digest the word and grow on into what the Bible refers as the meat of the word. Many have their own minds made up to do
it their way. This is where the growth stops. If the children of Israel while wondering in the wilderness would have had
a teachable spirit they would have not gone through as many trails as they did. Seems as if many thought they knew more than
God. Growing in God is simply accepting the word of God taking the teaching with a willing spirit. If you find yourself rebelling
against what the word tells you the best advice I can give you is to, check your motives as to why you only want part of the
word and not all of the word. The reason why some will not accept all of the word is due to something one is not willing to
let go of. Holding onto something of the World can cause a stunt in your growth. Such as the children of Israel
saying they would to God they had stayed in Egypt for at least
they had bread and water. This was where they started to complain and this showed that they were not willing to trust God
completely. Becoming a willing vessel is to trust God and to allow him to do some trimming and weeding as well as you having
to digest the word of the Lord. Don’t let the weeds take over your growth. Remember the enemy comes in at night and
sews weeds among the wheat. The weeds are rebellion against the word of the Lord. Rebellion will only stunt your growth.
Sonja 11/20/04