This message is for those that have drifted away from the Lord. Those of you that started out with right intentions, yet something
discourage your dear heart.
First of all I want you to know that God never stopped loving you. The word says that God is married to the backslider.
Possibly someone hurt you or did you wrong causing you to lose faith. What you have got to know is God did not do you
wrong, nor did He hurt you. Do not think of the people and what they may think or say, people are not whom you answer too.
The most important thing you need to know is you are to serve the Lord and you are not serving man. Man has nothing to
do with your salvation.
I feel that many have walked away from the Lord because they got their eyes on mankind , what he or she was doing, or
not doing and this is nothing but a trick of the enemy to take your eyes off the Lord and get them on man.
It is God that you are to serve; it is His love that saved you and His power that will keep you.
Don't be discouraged because you may have failed in your efforts, do not allow the enemy to try and take away from you
what God has done in your life.
Nothing will ever be worth you losing your soul over; this World has nothing to offer you but sin and damnation.
Do not listen to that voice that tries to tell you that you never were really saved or that God does not care about you.
That is nothing more than the enemy trying to trick you and deceive you. The enemy is a liar, God does love you and He wants
you to come back to him. God is waiting on you.
It is not too late right now to talk to the Lord; you can not wonder far enough away, that the Lord does not know where
you are. There is nothing that you may have done that the Lord is not able to forgive you of.
Call on the Lord right now; ask him to forgive you, just come on home to the Lord.
God loves you.
Sonja © 2008