Does God Expect out Of His People?
Is God?
started out with two titles due to the fact they must both be a part of this
with the first one, what does God expect out of His people? If you read the
bible, it is explained very clearly, we as His people are to be manifesting His
spirit to others. This is not just about a person being saved and finding a
comfort zone all for one self. There is more to it than just all about self.
expects us to be busy working for the Kingdom and by doing so; we are to be spreading
the good news of the salvation Christ has given unto all that will except Him,
have thought getting saved was just all about them and nothing more. Such as
pray for me, prophesy, help me, and show me. This is why so many are having so
many issues in their life.
have somehow skimmed over why God has filled them with His spirit.
is the issue, if all the people of God ever do is become so needy and always
seem to be down and out, having one problem after another and allowing others to
know of only problems
and battles then why in the world can we convince others that this is what they
are needing ?
needs to be seen out of His people is manifesting His power, His love, and His
spirit. In order for the people of God to be able to witness of a loving and
powerful God, What is needed the most is for each of us to get a solid
foundation, an assurance as well as being filled with God’s spirit and His joy.
order for others to desire what the people are sharing or manifesting, it’s
going to take a strong power filled person to share how the power of God can
and will be something they too need and desire to have.
can the church share deliverance when they are so in need of it their self?
of God are expected to learn of His ways and be able to walk, the walk and talk,
the talk. In others words get a real experience of God their self.
is not saying people truly have needs, I am well aware that we as humans have
problems , health issues, financial problems, etc. but it’s how the children of
God go about talking about it, instead
of what God can and will do, if we only believe and hold tight onto His
the people of God gather in to worship the Lord, which is just what they are to
be doing. When others come in with a need to know God or to receive from God
this is what they are going to need the children of God to rejoice and manifest
the glory of God. There really is a time to have the discernment of what is going
on darning a worship service. We are to
have the atmosphere that the glory of God is there to minister and to fill the
people with hope and His spirit.
other words just what are people hearing coming out of our mouth? Do they hear praises?
Or are they hearing about more problems than anyone would desire to have. If we
as the people of God get a real experience of God we will bypass any issues forgetting
about our self and are gathered together just to lift up the Lord
and to worship Him, filling the house with His glory and His joy by worshiping
Him. Then that is creating the right atmosphere that others will so desire.
Praise the Lord!
word says, study to show thyself approved meaning getting the knowledge that
God is more than able and all things are possible with God
power of the Lord is something that works in their life first and them be able
to live the life so others can hear and see the real true manifestation of the
power of God.
are talking about becoming mature in the Lord and having gone through
processing, training, teachings and being prepared to work for the Lord.
then just where is God? Do we look up into the heavens and seek Him there? Just
what does the bible have to say, where the Kingdom of God is?
hear people say where is God? And most of the time they are going through
something hard and can’t seem to reach God or feel God. So now here we go right
back to the people of God concerning this question. We are the temple of the Lord;
His spirit is dwelling inside of us. When people are truly seeking God what is
a child of God suppose to be able to tell them, show them and or help them?
That is the big question, isn’t it?
is why we as God’s people are going to have to have God’s wisdom, His
anointing, His power manifesting in and flowing out of us in order to do so, it
is very vital to be filled with His spirit. We are to allow the spirit of God
working though us. How one can be doing so, if they are pretty much in the same
boat, so to speak. How can we help if we are so in need of help our self?
is living in His people so we are to show forth God’s spirit and by doing so;
we have got to have the goods, the knowing so, and power of God working in our
is why it is so important for each of us to learn of God and to become
established solid in Him, having gone through the processing to become a strong
power filled child of God in order to manifest His wonderful power and His
the gifts of the Lord in order to hear God and to know what to do, having
discernment of the spirit, this is why God
so desires to teach His people how to and what to do and most importantly what
not to do. God wants His people to be prepared to girt up with the
knowledge of His power. So that when the storms do hit and you’re out there on
the battle field you will not faint. Praise God! This is great!
share this is encourage and to open our understanding as to what God expects of
us as well as where God is. Having the understanding is a blessing that God is
revealing in this message.
Here is your jewel, people of God;
if you get a made up mind, I come to gather in to be a blessing and to worship
the Lord. I refuse to focus or to think on anything other than God. You will be
surprise just how blessed you are yourself and shall get your blessing by being
one. Praise the Lord!!!!