You have heard no sin shall enter into God’s Kingdom. Makes one to wonder if they feel it shall be worth going to
hell to be tormented for eternity? Those that brake the commandments such as, adultery, lying, stealing and even killing this
list goes on will it be worth it? Those that do such things shall not enter in to be with the Lord in his Kingdom. Why is
it that some people feel it is ok to sin as you please? Do some think that the Lord of Host wants anyone that is unfaithful
in this life to be with him in eternity? He is looking for a holy people, this is not to say that we will not have problems
and faults this is to say however to sin willfully knowing it is wrong to do so why would one think that it is ok with God?
The punishment you shall suffer forever and ever will it be worth what little you are getting out of ungodliness?
It is time to wake up and heed the call that is ringing throughout the World repent of your sin call on the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ. The only way to be able to enter in the door is go through the door that is Jesus Christ our Lord. None
other that is given among men whereby we must be saved Acts 4:12. Why in this World are people trying to fool around and go
into a door that is not Jesus Christ? He is the one that paid the price and his name alone can save you. No other name is
so powerful as his name. All that you do should be in the name of Jesus Christ after all whom is it that gave his life? I
see a problem with people that refuse the name of Jesus Christ makes me wonder just whom they are serving and why would they
not want his name on them. If He is the door and He is, why are people performing anything in any other name than in the name
of Jesus Christ? Be it marriages, prayers, baptisms whatever one does should be in his wonderful name? He is the door so what
is the problems?
Sonja 9/1/04