What the Lord needs are some good armor bearer, the kind that will say I will go where you want me to go Lord and do what
you want me to do.
A good armor bearer will not ask why we are going in a certain direction, nor will they complain about having to carry
something for somebody else, a good armor bearer will just pick up and go when told to go.
A good armor barrier knows his or her position and does not try to be something he or she is not qualified in doing.
They know what they are to do; they know their job and have no doubt at all about the one they are following. They are
familiar with the one they are carrying armor for; they trust the one.
They never doubt the one they are carrying for.
A good armor bearer knows his or hers master very well, if the armor barrier messes up and are not faithful, loyal and
dedicated to their master, they know that life it's self depends upon their ability to carry the armor.
It is an absolute must for a good armor barrier to follow instructions well and to never vary off. They know that their
master depends upon him or her totally.
A good armor barrier cannot think of self, cannot be rebellious, cannot be filled with envy, but a good armor bearer knows
just how vital his or her position is.
He or she will be aware that not everybody can do what they are called to do. For it takes a true, loyal, dedicated individual
to do the work they are called to do.
A good armor bearer is keen like the warrior, when it comes to the tricks of the enemy they are fighting against.
A good armor bearer knows the voice of his master and is always listening for his voice ready to follow instructions,
always ready to go to battle.
1 Samuel 14: tells of Jonathan and his armor bearer, how there was a communication with Jonathan and his armor bearer
he told him what they were going to do and his armor bearer followed instructions as they were given.
Also in the 7th verse this tells us of the loyalty of Jonathan's armor bearer, for he told him all that is in thine heart
turn thee; behold I am with thee according to thy heart. (Now that is loyalty and working in unity together.)
Jonathan and his armor bearer slew about twenty men here in this passage of scripture, this tells us what can be done
by knowing the will of the Lord as they did, also tells us what two people can do if they work in unity and work together.
Sonja © 2008