Let's take a look at the Word Christian and see what it might mean. The word Christian means to be Christ like. Now, the question
is how does a person become like Christ? Would that not be impossible given that Christ was sin free and had never sinned?
Many have tried to live up to the lifestyle of Christ and have found this to be impossible. We, as humans, cannot live a
sin free life. We, as believers, must know that it is only through him that we can become anything and it is through his blood
that we are free of sin. It is not by anything you or I can do.
Let's take a look at the things that Jesus did while He was here on earth. What did He do? Where did He go? From what
we know of Christ, everywhere He went, he was healing the sick and helping those that were down and out. He purposefully
sought out those that no one was willing to touch, to talk to or wanted to help. He was about his fathers business in all
that He did. He was a helper, He was a healer, and He was a miracle worker. He was filled with compassion and He loved the
people. It did not matter what walk of life they were or for that matter what they had done in the past He just loved them
all. Now that is what Christ was like.
The question is, are we Christ like? He was sent here on this earth to set an example for mankind. He taught us how to
let the spirit of God to flow through humanity. He taught the word, He lived the word and He was the word. Far too many have
placed all of their focus on being like Jesus as far as holiness and righteousness and not enough on doing the works that
He told us to do. Many are setting and doing nothing as far as the work of the Lord.
What did the angels say when the Lord went up in the clouds? They asked this question,why stand you here gazing? It
is not about looking up at the clouds watching for Him or His returning. We need to be busy working while there is light.
Setting inside the church walls and waiting for His return is not what He told us to do. He said go out to the world and teaches
that the Kingdom of God is at hand. He told us in the Bible that greater works will you do than these for I go to my father.
I hope that you see a little clearer the meaning of being Christ like. I have this last question, are we going to get busy
doing the work of the Lord to reach out to the lost and the dying or are we going to spend the rest of our lives trying to
be so holy? If you or I have any holiness it is His holiness and not ours. The Bible makes it clear that our righteousness
is as fitly rags. Waste no more time on yourself and give all your time to the work of the Lord. That is true meaning of being
Christ like. For you see, to be a Christian, you must be willing, ready and happy to do the will of the father.
Sonja 8/30/2005