Starting with the children of God being in bondage and in slavery, to Moses being sent to lead the people out and then going
through the wilderness.
I have noticed
a pattern or one may call it, “steps of a believer” that is to be taken in order to walk into our promise
Each of us was in bondage and then had to go through the wilderness, heading toward the promise land.
After reaching
the promise land, it was not handed to them for they had to fight the enemies and run them out of their land God had given
In our walk
for the Lord today there are things that must be run out of our lives, such as the way we think, do, and act.
There is a work to be done within our inner being, in order for us to receive the many blessings of the
Lord. Else we hinder and stop our own blessing.
After David
and God’s people fought and run the enemies out, then it was time for Solomon to build a temple for the Lord to dwell
in and God to visit His people.
God is working
on our building and preparing each of us, for we are the temples of the Lord and His spirit dwells within His people.
Moses lead, David fought, Solomon build, the steps of the
Sonja ©