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Many of God’s children have been asking the Lord for a great outpouring of His spirit, the type of outpouring of the spirit that will draw the lost unto the Lord, the type of move where people will be healed of all manner of sickness and diseases.

The children of God have been crying out to the Lord, of this I am sure but there has to be a preparation for the body of Christ to be ready for such a move of the Lord.

First of all the people of God will not be able to put anything before the move of God for they are going to have to be ready to flow with the spirit of God and willing to burn the midnight oil so to speak.

The old ways are going to go out the window and the old standard of the so- called “the way we always have done things” cannot be.

The ways of man and the hang-ups that many carry has been the biggest hindrance of the great move of God and that way is not and has never worked in the past and for sure will not work in this next great move of God.

Those that the Lord have chosen to lead the people on into the moving of the spirit of God have been in waiting and have been prepared for the up and coming move of the spirit of the Lord.

These warriors have been equipped to take the stand that is going to have to be enforced. There will not be allowed those that come in with a take over spirit, these types people are and have been working over time in the past and many have apparently been successful in hindering the children of God.

But for this next great move of God the leaders of the Lord are ready and are more than able to discern what spirit is operating.

The spirit of discernment is a must for the body of Christ to know those that labor among them and know those that cause division. As the bible tells us, mark those that cause division and stay away from them.

Remember that all that say Lord, Lord are not of a truthful heart for there has been wolves in sheep clothing that mix in with the crowd and are raving wolves due to jealously and envy.

 Many have envied those that are of a pure heart and that are willing to seek the Lord. The spirit of envy comes from their lack and most of all their heart is not right. It is a must to have a right heart in doing the service of the Lord.

Far to many have missed the will of the Lord by getting caught up in doctrine and man-made beliefs that only hinder the moving of God’s spirit.

Why this is I feel in my spirit that such ones have missed God somewhere along the way and have become bitter and jealous of those that God has chosen to do His work. So they come against the children and the work of the Lord.

These poor dear ones that are in such a state actually believe they are doing all right but they truly need the Lord to deliver them but it must be the Lord to do this work in their behalf.

Always remember that at one time they may have loved the Lord and have just been mislead somewhere during their life, so prayer is the best thing for them and not given a position not until if and when the Lord delivers them.

Something I feel is a must also is to follow the written word that explains to us very clearly to not judge others for with the same judgment we shall be judge. Of course I am sure you know who will be doing the judging, God is the judge, not man.

Our bodies are the temples of the Lord and there is a need to have a cleaning of the temple for each of us. Starting with getting rid of criticizing, gossiping or condemning others as well as never judge people.

Remember what the call of God is and that is to present the gospel to all mankind. We are called to worship and praise the spirit of the Lord and welcome His spirit to enter in the midst of the people for God to do a work in the people.

This is just a briefing and there is much more I could share as far as acquiring more knowledge. Let us come together to worship the Lord, let our voices ring out through out the World that the spirit of the Lord is visiting the children of God.

We welcome you Lord Jesus to manifest your presence and your love for all mankind.

Sonja 1/9/2010. 




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